83-year-old Antonio with Alzheimer’s disease who lives with his spouse Valerio (75) in an old detached house. Antonio was discharged home the previous day from a week-long interval called “Sulassa Sovussa”, run by a private service provider. The couple’s son has brought Antonio home and promised to take care of his dad’s evening activities. Nurses of home care would conduct a home visit as normal the next morning.
Emotion phase:
Remind the goals (student doing the exercise).
Ask about the feeling during the exercise.
Fact phase
• What happened – describe what happened step by step (student)?
• What went well?
Analysis phase
• Why specific decisions were made?
• How it should be done (ideas are generated by students, the tutor leads to the right conclusions) in a positive matter?
• What to do to make it better (if we run the scenario again, what would you possible do an another way)?
• Students’ questions.
• What do you remember from the exercise (each student says 1 item – preferably everyone should say something different)?
• What should happen (select 3-4 items here that should always be discussed with students regardless of whether they happened or not)?
• Point out step by step what the students’ behavior should look like – exemplary.
• Motivate students to think reflectively while deceiving strengths and correct paths.
• Every student has “a take away message” when they leave the simulation.
Cultural aspects:
1. What similarities did you find with Finnish culture?
2. What differences did you find with Finnish culture?
3. What is important to pay attention when caring an older person with other culture?
Guidance for older person with activities of daily living
83-year-old Antonio with Alzheimer’s disease who lives with his spouse Valerio (75) in an old detached house. Antonio was discharged home the previous day from a week-long interval called “Sulassa Sovussa”, run by a private service provider. The couple’s son has brought Antonio home and promised to take care of his dad’s evening activities. Nurses of home care would conduct a home visit as normal the next morning.
A nurse from home care is having a home visit to the couple as agreed in service plan of Antonio ja Valerio. Valerio is concerned because Antonio has difficulties getting dress. It is important to allow Antonio to make his own decisions as long as possible and to carry out the activity as independently as possible. Nurse is thinking about evidence-based strategies to promote ADL function and how to guide patient and spouse in dressing and other activities of daily living.
The scenario was prepared based on the content contained in the literature:
- Lindsay P Prizer, PhD, Sheryl Zimmerman, PhD, Progressive Support for Activities of Daily Living for Persons Living With Dementia, The Gerontologist, Volume 58, Issue suppl_1, February 2018, Pages S74–S87.
- Memory disorders. 2017. Käypä hoito -suositus https://www.kaypahoito.fi/hoi50044
- Jenkins, Catharine, et al. Dementia Care at a Glance, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,
- https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/daily-living/getting-dressed-changing-clothes
Teacher’s background material:
- Tuomikoski Annukka, Parisod Heidi, Oikarainen Ashlee, Siltanen Hannele, Holopainen Arja. 2019. Lääkkeettömien menetelmien vaikutukset muistisairautta sairastavan päivittäisistä toiminnoista selviytymiseen – raportti järjestelmällisten katsausten katsauksesta. Muistiliiton julkaisusarja 1/2019. Muistiliitto & Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiö.
- Boltz, Capezuti, Fulmer, & Zwicker, 2016. Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice. 5th edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Application of the most important concepts and knowledge basis of gerontological nursing into practice.
- Knowledge of legislation on gerontological nursing.
- Supporting the achievement and maintenance of the well-being, health and function of the elderly.
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing of the elderly and application of the ethical principles and good practice in nursing in various contexts.
- Managing planning and assessment of gerontological nursing and district nursing with specific attention to the special groups of the elderly.
- Familiarisation with the knowledge basis of accessibility and its application in planning the nursing environment of the elderly.
- The specific features of safe medication of the elderly, its planning, implementation and assessment.
- Humane and symptom-based nursing care of the elderly patients with a terminal illness or chronic disease and support of their significant others.
- Critical information search from the most common data bases of health sciences.
Advanced knowledge.
Home care visit according to a service plan.
Home care visit according to a service plan.
Older person’s life history,e.g. his previous habits and interests.